NACADA Warns Social Media Influencers Against Promoting Substance Abuse

NACADA Warns Social Media Influencers Against Promoting Substance Abuse

Sep 24, 2024


NACADA has noted with concern the increasing trend where social and digital media influencers, as well as content creators, are posting content that promotes the use of drugs and substances. Such content, often directed at young audiences, poses a significant threat to the fight against alcohol and drug abuse, while undermining the efforts to protect vulnerable groups, especially children, from these harmful influences.

NACADA implores influencers and content creators against using their platforms to normalize or glorify drug use. The Authority reminds the public that promoting drugs and substance use through social media is not only irresponsible but is also a violation of the law.

Under the Alcoholic Drinks Control Act, 2010 (ADCA) and the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Control Act, 1994, promoting, advertising, or encouraging drug use is illegal and punishable by law.