She Power Summit At Sarova Panafric Hotel, Nairobi

She Power Summit At Sarova Panafric Hotel, Nairobi

Nov 30, 2024
From: KES 5000.00


Understanding and Labeling Your Emotions

In a society that often teaches us to see emotions in extremes good or bad, happy or sad—many of us struggle with the full spectrum of our feelings.

As children, we might have been taught to label our emotions: crying means sadness, and smiling means happiness.

However, emotions are far more nuanced than these basic categories.

Labeling your emotions accurately is an essential part of emotional intelligence.

It allows you to recognize what you're feeling without judgment. Instead of saying, "I feel bad," try to dig deeper:

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, lonely, or perhaps disappointed?

By putting a more precise label on your feelings, you gain insight into your emotional state, which is the first step toward understanding and managing your emotions effectively.

When we limit our emotional vocabulary to just a few extremes, we risk invalidating our experiences and those of others.

Learning to identify the more complex emotions like frustration, grief, anticipation, or ambivalence can be incredibly freeing.

It’s about permitting yourself to feel the full range of human emotions without rushing to categorize them as purely positive or negative.

By expanding our emotional vocabulary, we can foster healthier relationships with ourselves and others, as it leads to better communication and a deeper understanding of our emotional needs.

Let’s start embracing the full spectrum of emotions acknowledging that every feeling, no matter how complex, is a valid part of the human experience.

At the summit, Mediatrix Musungu a Counseling Psychologist will share more insight on this.

Early bird tickets at Kshs. 5,000, Regular tickets at Kshs. 6,000, VIP at Kshs. 7,500 and VVIP at Kshs. 10,000.

Pay via Mpesa Till No.: 8383450(Hellen Atieno Matakwa).

Sarova Panafric Hotel, Nairobi